Dear guests!

We look forward to welcoming you to our idyllic bed and breakfast at the heart of the Carinthian Nockberge in Bad Kleinkirchheim!


Relaxation and adventure await – the whole year round. We love being a part of your holiday experience and do our upmost to ensure you have a fantastic stay. Feel free to call or e-mail us with any queries you might have – we would be delighted to help.

How to get in touch:

Phone: +43 4240 575





Use our contact form to get in touch directly:

your host

Sonja Krenn and Family

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

To Carinthia | Bad Kleinkirchheim by car

The journey is the reward, as the saying goes. Switch into holiday mode as you drive to Bad Kleinkirchheim. Every turn leads you deeper into the impressive world of the Nockberge, with the gentle mountain landscape and fabulous lakes guaranteeing a spectacular journey. There couldn’t be a more relaxing way to start to your holiday.

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To Carinthia | Bad Kleinkirchheim by plane, bus or train

Carinthia can easily be reached by train or plane too. Having arrived, it won’t take you long to get to Bad Kleinkirchheim. Various bus connections will take you to your holiday region. We would be happy to assist in planning your journey.

Where is Bad Kleinkirchheim

Pension Südhang

Familie Krenn

Sonnenblumenweg 8

9546 Bad Kleinkirchheim

Tel.: +43 4240 575



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